As Web technology evolves, so do the opportunities for acquiring fresh and interesting skills. For instance, as a developer, you might become very proficient in popular programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, PHP, or Ruby along with popular web frameworks like Express, Angular, Vue.js, Django, Rails, Laravel and more. Frameworks have become an essential part of web development, as the standards of web applications are always rising, so does the complexity of the technology needed. But with mobile technologies taking off, you might also go on to learn how to develop for platforms or frameworks like Buddy, Kobiton, Jamf, Node.js, Swiftic or PhoneGap.

And similar possibilities also exist for web designers. Markup languages like HTML and CSS will continue to evolve, along with digital art tools like Adobe Photoshop. Plus, the more a designer knows about widely used programming languages, the more effective and valuable he or she can become.

All aroud the world, the market for web design and development services still has a lot of room to grow. Still, many of the nation’s small businesses do not have their own websites. That means the country is filled with possible clients or employers who will likely want to establish or boost their online presences in the coming years in order to stay competitive.

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